Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Re-writing the History of the Rwandan Genocide

Anyone who knows me, knows that this is a subject that is dear to my heart - for obvious reasons; I was after all living in Rwanda when the genocide started, and for four years before that. I have always been quite uneasy with the account of the events of the genocide. That there was an organized genocide, against the Tutsi, is more than clear. But the exact account of how it was started, executed, countered, and stopped, have always left me with a taste of "the victor's version of History".

I was therefore really happy to see, online, this different analysis of what happened at the time, and a different perspective on the matter. Though there are some points that are a bit... creative, and it gives a voice to some people that I KNOW have a certain agenda, it is a version that outlines facts that I have seen nowhere else, and sound to me, a little closer to the truth I remember. Here is the article by Robin Philpo, which was originally published on

I am welcoming all comments.

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