A quelque choses, malheur est bon, as we say in French. In other words, sometimes a bad thing can bring about a good one! If it takes a Tsunami to get these waring parties to talk, it's quite pathetic... but at least they are talking, and agreeing some. And that's what matters most.Sri Lankan deal with Tamil Tigers is near
Jonathan Steele
Friday March 18, 2005
The Guardian
Under pressure from foreign donors, the Sri Lankan government and Tamil Tiger guerrilla leaders are close to signing their first agreement since peace talks stalled 18 months ago.
A deal will release millions of pounds in post-tsunami aid for rebuilding houses, schools, and hospitals in areas of the north and east controlled by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
Electronic 'signal jamming' devices used for car thefts set to be banned
The, including so-called signal jammers, are thought to play a part in four
out of 10 vehicle thefts.
1 hour ago
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