Wednesday, February 09, 2005 - Palestinian, Israeli leaders announce cease-fire - Feb 8, 2005 - Palestinian, Israeli leaders announce cease-fire - Feb 8, 2005

Alright, way to go!!!!!! It's about time!!! I am quite ecstatic, even though I am cautiously so. It is about time that both parties, but particularly Israel understand that neither side can be viable without the other. These are the nth agreements, but hopefully, n is the right number. The Bush administration is very cunning in this. Alienate the Arabs first in Iraq, and then jump in the band wagon of Arafat's death to come and attempt to soothe feelings... It reminds me of the European colonialists, playing with carrots and sticks. In any case, if it can bring Justice to the Middle East and to the Palestinians - both Jewish and Arab - I am in total support.

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