Business Day - World’s worst disaster ignored in Congo (UN):
"The international community was overlooking the world’s worst humanitarian disaster, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where 10-million people needed assistance, a United Nations (UN) official said yesterday.
With an estimated 1200 people dying every day, the UN launched an appeal three months ago for $682m to provide water, food, medical assistance, shelter and protection to those at risk. That equates to just $0,18 a person each day.
So far, donors have provided just 13% of that, the UN Office for Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs says."
Sudan army ends two-year siege of key city
The Sudan army captures el-Obeid hours after rival RSF forces signed a
charter for a breakaway government.
43 minutes ago
Do you have any data on who the "donor nations" are and what each nation has provided to the DR Congo government and people in direct financial aid, development personnel and materials since let's say 1998? Of course this should include direct assistance flowing through the various international and regional NGO's working in the country.
BTW: Germany's Der Spiegel online has two new articles with photo galleries re: the upcoming EU security mission to Kinshasa. I'm so pissed-off about the biased, racist, fear-mongering, and downright poor national TV news coverage of the Congo mission here in Germany that I may have to drop the fight with the Dragon (China) at my blog for awhile just to be able to tear into their (the Germans) rearends.
Here is a link to Der Spiegel's May 17th article "Peacekeeping: German military headed to the Congo".,1518,416676,00.html
Be sure to read the related articles at the end of the piece as well. Louis the filmmaker may appreciate the related article about Der Speigel's stay in Goma.
Hi again Ali,
I found a website that helps to answer my question about "which donor nation has contributed what amount of financial aid to the DRC" and other developing countries around the world.
Go over to the UN OHCA FTS site (FTS = Financial Tracking Service) and checkout their various tables and charts and other data. Here is the link to the global summary financial data for the year 2005:
In order to calculate what the U.S. and other countries have contributed to the DRC in 2005, use the My Tasks - Make financial tables using my own criteria - function in the menue on the lefthand side.
I came up with amount of about USD $76 million for U.S.A. direct financial aid contributions to the DRC in 2005, but that was only a quick calc without selecting all the relevant criteria available. This of course excludes contributions to the USD$ 1 billion budget spent to support the operations of the UN's MONUC in the DRC.
What did countries such as Belgium, France, Italy, U.K., Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, India, Russia and China contribute? What, so little? You're kidding?
This is where to go, to find out such an important news.
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